Smudging: An Ancient Answer To Modern Problems November 11, 2017Kita Centella The practice of burning sage in the home has been gaining popularity over the last ten years or so. Although it’s an ancient practice, people have been rediscovering the benefit...
Too Busy for a Juice Cleanse? Try a Tea-Tox November 11, 2017Sulinya Ramanan I’m a hardcore juice enthusiast. I have been juicing for over ten years, and I owe so much of my personal transformation to juicing: losing forty pounds and keeping it...
Here Is How To Make Antiviral Elderberry Syrup Recipe November 11, 2017Kita Centella When I was still in herb school in 1998, I teamed up with a couple of my classmates to start our own herbal remedy company. (I later discovered that all...
November Horoscopes By Kita November 05, 2017Kita Centella November is a month full of high notes and action. Key words: bustle, go, warmth, and focus. Just because the energy is positive doesn’t mean it will stay that way...
November Greeting November 05, 2017Kita Centella Hello and Happy November everyone! November is off to a strong and positive start, with the full moon on Saturday the 4th, and a solid lineup of new classes throughout the month...
Moroccan Vegetable-Chickpea Stew November 04, 2017Kita Centella The holiday season always means food. Most families love to serve traditional favorites, but there is always someone who introduces a dish that’s unique and different but eventually becomes a...
Researchers Turn Spinach Leaf Into Beating Heart Tissue November 04, 2017Nick Brown This absolutely blows me away. Researchers at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute have managed to turn a spinach leaf into human heart tissue. They used a solution to strip the leaf to...
The Truth About Weight Loss Teas November 04, 2017Nick Brown1 comment A quick google of weight loss teas will yield you a staggering number of results for teas that are claimed to be able to make you lose weight. Clever titles...
The Origins Of Halloween October 28, 2017Kita Centella I’ve always been fascinated with the origins of our modern holidays. I went through a period of my life when our modern traditions felt hollow, and I had to do...
Zen Life Class Photos October 28, 2017Nick Brown One of our most popular classes so far is Zen Life, taught by Sulinya. During this class, students learned to make their own relaxing herbal and aromatherapy products, taught...
How To Survive Halloween Without Going Into A Sugar Coma October 28, 2017Nick Brown *Photo Credit: Anne Karakash My 10 lb pillow case full of candy hit the living room floor with the audible rustle of candy wrappers and I dropped down onto...
What You Didn't Know, Could Make Your Beard Grow October 21, 2017Kita Centella The last few years, beards have become pretty popular. Some men even consider beard-growing to be a special skill. But no matter whether you’re going for bearded Grizzly Adams or...