How I Healed A Sunburn Fast June 30, 2018Kita Centella This past weekend, I went on an impromptu trip to Flagstaff to escape from unbearably hot Phoenix. It was so refreshing! I spent nearly the entire weekend outside near a...
A Red, White, and Blue Smoothie Bowl June 30, 2018Kita Centella1 comment In honor of Independence Day on July 4th, we’re sharing a healthful, delicious, and patriotic recipe: a raw red, white, and blue smoothie bowl made with herbs, fruits, and coconut!...
According To Astrology, Here’s What To Expect In July: Your Circus, Your Monkeys June 24, 2018Kita Centella1 comment The second half of 2018 starts off with a bang! From fireworks, that is. July also promises both a solar and a lunar eclipse, and some planetary retrograde action...
An Okra Curry Recipe + Adventures in Yoga June 24, 2018Kita Centella Thursday, June 21, was the International Day of Yoga (and if you celebrated it, let us know what you did)! By a happy coincidence, I had left Bangalore for Coimbatore,...
What Happened In Vegas… Hopefully Follows Me To Phoenix June 16, 2018Kita Centella I attended the World Tea Expo in Las Vegas earlier this week, along with over 3500 other tea-industry people from all over the globe. It was the fourth time I...
Ayurvedic Healing in India and an Indian Moringa Soup June 16, 2018Kita Centella2 comments Hello from India! I’ve been here just over a week, and now, even my east coast journey feels like a distant memory. I was in Bangalore until Friday evening, and...
Aren’t You Cold Brewing Yet? 6 Reasons Why You Should Start Today June 16, 2018Kita Centella1 comment Cold brewed tea is a THING, and not just for hipsters. The premise of cold brewing is simple: you brew your tea using cold water instead of hot. This means...
A Refreshing Lychee Mango Tropical Cooler June 10, 2018Kita Centella Just discovered an Asian market with tons of tropical fruit? Try this amazing Tropical Cooler recipe that's so refreshing and delicious!
Get Skinny With These 4 Summer Iced Tea Recipes June 09, 2018Kita Centella4 comments The world of tea offers multiple health benefits, including helping your body burn fat and maintain healthy weight. Both the caffeine content and the potent antioxidants in tea help play a...
Tea Travels in the Northeast and Top Picks for the Week June 09, 2018Kita Centella Hello from Bangalore, India! I hope you've had an amazing week! I certainly have, and it's hard to believe how much has happened for me since I left Arizona...
A Smoky Summer Mushroom Soup June 03, 2018Kita Centella1 comment If you've tried Kita's amazing Smoky Mushroom Soup, you know how wonderfully smoked teas can make a recipe come together. This week's recipe is a lighter, summery variant, with leeks, carrots,...
Herbal Camping Essentials For Outdoorsy People June 02, 2018Kita Centella One of my favorite things to do in my free time is to go hiking and camping. I love being outdoors, but I know that there are very real problems that...