Kita’s Tips To Relieve Stress Instantly August 18, 2018Kita Centella I used to be a walking disaster. From my teens into adulthood, I struggled with multiple addictions of alcohol and hard drugs, as well as sugar and smoking. My life...
6 Reasons To Drink Green Tea August 12, 2018Loose Leaf Tea Market1 comment In a previous article, I mentioned that many customers are looking for green tea for its health benefits. Beverages from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) including black tea, oolong, puerh, and white tea, are...
9 Reasons Why Matcha Is The Next Avocado Toast August 05, 2018Kita Centella2 comments Everybody is talking about Matcha, but what is it, exactly, and what’s the big deal?Matcha is actually green tea. (Whaaaaaat?) It’s true. Matcha is made from finely powdered high quality...
11 Summer Skin Care Tips for Radiant Skin During The Heat Of Summer July 29, 2018Loose Leaf Tea Market This past week in Phoenix, temperatures reached the 115 F range. If you’re in the area, you know just how unbearable the heat has been. I have found that even...
According To Astrology, Here’s What To Expect In August: Level Up Your Relationships July 29, 2018Kita Centella This August, the astrological emphasis is on relationships, both to others and to ourselves. A relationship is only as strong and healthy as the people in them. During August (and beyond), the celestial...
Green Tea 101 July 21, 2018Loose Leaf Tea Market Every day, I get questions about green tea. Some of these customers are seasoned green tea drinkers looking for something specific, but more often, it's people who are new to...
Tea Vinaigrettes, Part 2 July 21, 2018Kita Centella In case you missed last week's Vinaigrette Recipes, we're doing a summer salad series on how to transform your salads with tea-based vinaigrettes. This week we have something ultra-special: a Peach...
For Your Next Get-Together, Try This Tea-Infused Summer Peach Cocktail Recipe July 21, 2018Kita Centella I was at a friend's house recently for a barbecue, where they were serving peach whisky iced tea. It sounded awesome, but unfortunately, all I could taste was sugar. The upside is...
Tea Vinaigrettes, Part 1 July 15, 2018Kita Centella Summer makes for the best salads! We wanted to show you different ways to use your favorite teas in recipes, and salad dressings are a great way to use them....
What Your Mood Says About Your Health- and Vice Versa July 15, 2018Kita Centella1 comment We’ve all experienced “butterflies” when we’ve felt smitten, or seen the way a person’s cheeks flush when he embarrasses himself. And when you ignore your feelings, sooner or later, your...
What To Do When You Are Terrible At Meditating July 08, 2018Kita Centella2 comments Myth: meditation comes easily and naturally to Buddhist monks. It's only difficult for the rest of us unenlightened clods. Fact: monks in China, Japan, and Tibet have been writing about the difficulty of stilling...
See What a Tea Plantation Looks Like July 01, 2018Kita Centella Happy July! Last weekend, I visited the Nilgiri mountains- a region in the Indian state of Kerala that, among other things, is known for its forests and agriculture. I had...