Candida Warning Signs: Here's How To Spot Them (And What You Can Do About It) - Loose Leaf Tea Market

Candida Warning Signs: Here's How To Spot Them (And What You Can Do About It)

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Our bodies play host to trillions of microbes, one of which is Candida, a type of fungal yeast that lives in the gut, mouth, vagina, and skin. In a healthy human microbial environment, Candida is just part of the landscape. Candida only becomes a problem when something in the microbial environment changes that encourages and promotes its growth.

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Here are six signs that you might have an overgrowth of Candida happening in your body:

  1. Strong cravings for sugar, refined carbs
  2. Digestive issues, including IBS, constipation, diarrhea, frequent bloating and gas
  3. Feeling fatigued, with brain fog
  4. Skin issues, such as eczema, hives, or other rashes
  5. Yeast infection
  6. Frequent urinary tract infections


Here are some of the factors that can lead to Candida overgrowth:

  • Excessive sugar consumption
  • Smoking
  • Taking a course of antibiotics, which kill the good bacteria along with the bad
  • Use of certain medications such as oral contraceptives, or corticosteroids
  • Pregnancy
  • Weakened immune system
  • Diabetes
  • HIV/AIDS and cancer 

Will Candida go away on its own?

The short answer is No. If you have Candida, and you make no changes to your diet or routine, then it is very unlikely that it will simply get tired of you and go away. Like a stray animal, if you keep feeding it, it’s going to stick around.

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How can you get rid of Candida?

The most important thing you can do is to stop eating sugar and refined carbs. Sugar is Candida’s primary food. The more sugar you eat, the more out-of-control the Candida gets, and you will end up craving even more sugar than ever. It’s not just you that craves the sugar, it’s the fungus. This makes it doubly hard to quit sugar. However, there is an herb called Gymnema that blocks your ability to taste sugar for up to 30 minutes. When used regularly, Gymnema curbs your craving for sweets altogether. Although you can drink Gymnema on its own, it doesn’t make a very tasty tea, so we combined it with other botanicals to taste better, and increase the effectiveness. Sugarproof Tea contains plenty of Gymnema, and will block the sweet flavor when you drink it. Sleek & Slender is a delicious tea that boosts metabolism, promotes sugar balance, and stops the cravings with regular use. It doesn’t block the sweet flavor nearly as much as Sugarproof, but it will stop the cravings, while also improving digestion.

You can read more about slaying your sugar cravings here

Other things you can do to get rid of Candida:

Avoid eating starchy vegetables, dairy, gluten, dried fruits, and condiments for six to eight weeks. This also includes avoiding all forms of alcoholic beverages. Although this sounds like a tall order, it's totally doable, especially when you're serious about your health, and stopping the growth of this invasive fungus.

Take a good probiotic supplementProbiotic supplements will help repopulate the good bacteria in your digestive tract, and can go a long way in restoring your health. 

ginger, garlic, lime on wooden board

Consume anti-fungal superfoods like garlic, ginger, and burdock root, which is often called gobo in Asian grocery stores. Garlic and ginger are powerfully anti-fungal. Burdock root not only suppresses fungal growth, it also contains a prebiotic compound called inulin. Inulin of insoluble fiber that acts as a food source for the good probiotic bacteria. 

Other foods that fight Candida and help restore balance are kale, Brussels sprouts, onions, turmeric, coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar.


*This information has not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose or cure a medical issue, or replace professional medical care. If you are pregnant or nursing, are under the care of a physician, or on prescription medication, talk to your health care provider before making any changes to your diet or routine.


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