Here Are 7 Ways to Feel More Positive This Year - Loose Leaf Tea Market

Here Are 7 Ways to Feel More Positive This Year

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As the new year blossoms, you’re probably looking forward to making this year the best you’ve ever had. We believe that a great life starts on the inside, so we’ve made a list of seven easy practices that can help you to be happier and healthier year-round! You can start with one and move onto the next, or gradually try to incorporate each of these. Let’s get started!


1. Identify your negative triggers and reframe them.


Do you have a pet peeve, or something that someone can say to you that instantly makes you angry, irritated, hopeless, stressed, or sad? Nothing will put you out of a positive state faster than your negative triggers. Why? Your negative triggers are basically highways to feeling crappy that have been strengthened over time. The good news is, with conscious effort, you can work to undo this.


The next time you’re triggered, pause for a moment before you go down a mental rabbit hole and ask yourself why you’re really bothered. Generally, you can reframe the meaning you’re giving a situation or at least see it objectively. This will help you feel better about it.


2. Practice deep forgiveness.


We get most angry with the people we’re closest to—and this can be relationship kryptonite. So, when someone says or does something that makes you recall every instance in which they have ever hurt you, you should remember that you are the one that is holding onto your pain.


Deep forgiveness will help you become free—for your own sake. Practice deep forgiveness by writing down everything that you’re holding onto that makes you angry and telling your unconscious to let go of your anger. Do this until you feel free. (Note: it’s important to forgive yourself as well!)



See also: Why Winter is the Best Time for Meditation


3. Figure out what’s really important to you— beyond your “shoulds”—and prioritize those things.


A lot of times, old programs from childhood that we developed to please our parents continue to run the show long after they’ve served us. If your life looks good on paper but you are unhappy with it, chances are at least one major aspect of your life needs change.


Pay attention what you think or dream about when your mind wanders. Generally, this is an indication of what you truly want. Make a list of how you want your life to be and take steps in that direction. Note: this might make you feel uncomfortable or even guilty but keep going!


4. Consciously upgrade your self-talk.


How do you feel about yourself? Your self-esteem dictates the quality of your life and the boldness of your actions. The fastest way to improve your self-esteem is by changing your self-talk. Notice what you say to or feel about yourself, and when you feel something negative, reframe it or say something positive instead. As you do this, you will begin to notice that you naturally feel more positive on a daily basis.


5. Give your tasks empowering meanings.


Do you drag your feet to get through parts of the day? Here’s a tool that can help you: when you notice yourself dreading a task, remember who you’re benefitting or why it’s important to you. When you have a strong enough meaning, you can get through anything with a smile.  



6. Get out in nature.


Nature is grounding and helps you to reconnect with your deepest self—free from the influences of the outside world. Nature accepts you as you are, so you can feel completely at peace. Spending time hiking or meditating outside each day can help you to feel less stressed and more positive. If you don’t have time, just go outside for five minutes and deeply breathe the fresh air—your body and spirit will thank you for it.


7. Build a stronger relationship with your body.


Make a practice of paying attention to your physical sensations and posture. Are your shoulders high? Is there tension in your face? Is your breathing shallow? When you notice that something is off, try fixing it. Your body is the best indicator of your unconscious feelings and also a gateway to changing it quickly. You’ll notice that simply by making a few physical shifts, you’ll feel many times better.


Do you have any tips to stay positive? Comment below to share your best advice and stories! And if you’re looking for more ways to feel great, check out our Teas for Sleep and Mood like Happy Place and Daily Calm! We wish you a wonderful year, full of positivity!

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