The Ultimate Herb Guide For Kids: The Best, Safe Teas For Sleep, Immunity, Upset Stomach, and Cough - Loose Leaf Tea Market

The Ultimate Herb Guide For Kids: The Best, Safe Teas For Sleep, Immunity, Upset Stomach, and Cough

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Herbal teas have been a staple of wellness culture for centuries, providing adults with a natural and soothing way to support their health and well-being. But did you know that children can benefit from herbal teas as well? In fact, these flavorful and aromatic blends can be an excellent way to support children's health and promote overall wellness, just like they do for adults. From promoting relaxation and aiding sleep, to supporting digestive health and boosting the immune system, herbal teas offer a wealth of benefits for children. So, why not introduce your little ones to the world of herbal teas today and discover how these natural blends can help support their health and well-being from a young age!


the ultimate herb guide for kids


Before we get started, I need to give a general disclaimer. It's important to talk to a healthcare professional before giving any new foods or beverages to a child to ensure their safety, especially if your child is on medication or under care for a medical condition. Although these teas are generally regarded as safe for children, double check with your health care provider before trying anything brand new. Now, let's get into it!


Teas For Sleep: What Can I Give My Child Instead Of Melatonin?

 If your child is struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, giving them a cup of lemon balm, chamomile or passionflower tea might help. Here's why:

  1. Lemon Balm has a calming effect that can soothe anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness in kids. This makes it a popular natural remedy for children who struggle with sleep.
  2. Chamomile Tea before bed can help soothe your child's nervous system, promote relaxation, and encourage a more restful night's sleep.
  3. Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is a calming herb that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, making it helpful for kids who have trouble falling asleep. 
  4. Licorice Root contains compounds that can help soothe the body and promote relaxation, making it easier for kids to fall asleep. However, it can also interact with certain medications and may not be appropriate for children with certain health conditions, so make sure to talk to your pediatrician before introducing licorice root.


    Our safe-for-kids blends, Daily Calm and Hug In A Mug, contain many of these calming herbs for kids. 


    tea for sleep for kids


    Herbal Tea For Attention: What herbs help with ADHD and focus?

    It's not uncommon for children to struggle with hyperactivity and inattention, but these challenges can lead to frustrating interactions with teachers and coaches. Children with symptoms of ADHD may be scolded for speaking out of turn, fidgeting, or not being able to focus. Sadly, research in psychology has shown that these criticisms can have a significant impact on a child's confidence, leading them to doubt their intelligence and abilities as a student, even though they simply express themselves differently.

    If you're a parent dealing with these challenges, it's important to act as soon as possible. Finding safe and natural treatments can make a big difference in helping your child succeed! By addressing these issues early on, you can help your child develop a positive self-image and prevent negative beliefs from taking hold.

    The top herb I would recommend for helping symptoms of hyperactivity is Lemon Balm. The active compounds in lemon balm are believed to help to reduce hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention in children with ADHD. Because it is such a safe herb, it's a great herb to mention to your medical provider before trying medication. We blend Lemon Balm with a few other kid-friendly, calming herbs in our blend Daily Calm.


    Teas For Tummy Aches: What herbs help with stomach pain in children?

    Children's stomachs are generally more sensitive than adults' stomachs, and they are more likely to experience an upset stomach. This is because children's digestive systems are still developing, and they may not have the same level of digestive enzymes and stomach acid as adults. Also, children's immune systems are not as strong, which can make them more susceptible to stomach bugs and food poisoning.

    Some common causes of an upset tummy in children include:

    • Viral or bacterial infections, such as gastroenteritis or food poisoning
    • Food allergies or intolerances
    • Overeating or eating too quickly
    • Stress or anxiety
    • Certain medications or medical conditions


    tea for tummy ache kids

    Here are some teas that I would recommend if your kid is having an upset tummy:

    1. Chamomile can help soothe an upset stomach. If your child is experiencing tummy troubles, a warm cup of chamomile tea may help.
    2. Peppermint can be helpful for kids with gas, bloating, and nausea. Add a bit of honey and tell your kid that it's candy cane tea!
    3. Marshmallow Root helps to relieve constipation, by softening the stool and increasing bowel movements. If your child's stomach issues are recurring, marshmallow root might also help to balance the gut by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.
    4. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe an upset stomach and reduce nausea in kids. 
    5. Fennel can help your child when they are suffering with gas pain. It can help release gas and make them feel more comfortable.


      Stomach Soother is our best stomach-soothing blend that's safe for your little ones. It contains chamomile, peppermint, marshmallow root, and a couple more tummy-soothing herbs.


      Teas For A Cold: What herbs help with a kid's cough, mucus, and fever?

      No one wants to see their kid sick. It's so horrible to see them not feeling well or in pain, which is why we wanted to create a list of natural herbs that might help them feel better.

      teas for sicknesses in kids

      1. Licorice Root acts as a natural expectorant and can help soothe coughs and reduce mucus production. This is great for when your child is feeling congested and mucusy.
      2. Elderberries are regarded as THE herb/botanical for when your kid is under the weather. They might help boost their body's immunity and recover from their sickness faster.
      3. Echinacea has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of colds in children, making it a popular choice for parents looking to support their child's health during cold and flu season.
      4. Lemon balm has anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing properties, making it an excellent natural remedy for reducing fever in kids. With its ability to bring down body temperature, lemon balm can help children feel more comfortable and reduce the severity of their illness.


        Of our blends, I would recommend giving them Elderberry Tonic to help them recover faster, and Allergy Relief to help with their cough and mucus.


        Herbs and Botanicals For Immunity: How can kids help improve their immune systems?

        Children are more vulnerable to infections and illnesses since their immune systems are still developing. Also, let's face it. Kids are way more germy: at daycare, school or the playground, there are tons of sicknesses going around. Kids are less mindful about not touching their eyes, nose and mouth, since they are still very young and are often unable to control how careful they are with germs. So, in order to protect them from getting sick, giving them teas with elderberries, echinacea, citrus, rosehips and chai spices in prevention might help!

        tea for immunity for kids

        1. Elderberries are great for boosting immunity, and might provide the body with some protection from the cold or flu.
        2. Echinacea has powerful immune-boosting properties because it contains compounds that have been shown to stimulate the immune system and help fight off infections.
        3. Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes are rich in vitamin-c and can help boost immunity and help the body fight off sicknesses.
        4. Rosehips contain natural compounds that can help support a healthy inflammatory response, which is important for a strong immune system.
        5. Chai spices, such as ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, are rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and other nutrients that can help support the immune system and protect against illness. I like to use an old spice bottle and add all my favorite chai spices to blend and put on everything! It's great in smoothies, on oatmeal or baked into breads and muffins.

          Elderberry Tonic is the go-to tea immunity, for you and for your kids. Naked Chai is a great caffeine-free chai: your child will get the immunity-boosting benefits of chai spices, without the caffeine.


          Yummy, Feel Good Tea Blends For Kids

          They're yummy, and healthy! So, why not?!

          I Heart Pomegranates: Made with healthy berries like pomegranates, cranberries and blueberries and the caffeine-free super tea, rooibos, this blend is healthy all around, and your kids will love it!

          Cranberry Apple Tart: A sweet, tart cranberry hibiscus tea that can be enjoyed by kids warm, or iced!

          Happy Place: An organically delicious mango-citrus tea with zero caffeine and tons of antioxidants. It has calming herbs like chamomile and a mood boosting aroma from the ginger and citrus.

          teas for kids and toddlers

          How Do You Make Tea Taste Good For Kids?

          Getting kids to drink herbal teas depends on their individual tastes and preferences, as well as how comfortable they are with trying new things. You just have to find a way that works with your particular child! Here are some tips that I recommend:

          1. Start with a small amount: Introduce the tea gradually, starting with a small amount and gradually increasing the serving size as your child becomes more accustomed to the taste.
          2. Add honey or juice to sweeten: Adding a small amount of honey or a splash of their favorite juice can help make it more palatable for children.
          3. Try it iced: If your child doesn't like the taste of hot tea, try adding ice! Iced tea might be better enjoyed by some kids who are used to cold drinks.
          4. Try it in a smoothie: Use the tea as the liquid in a fruit smoothie.
          5. Use fun cups or straws: Kids may be more willing to try new things if they're presented in a fun and playful way. Using colorful cups or fun straws may help make lemon balm tea more appealing.
          6. Try kid-friendly tea recipes: I have four recipes that are staples in my household that the kids love: Cozy Chamomile Bedtime Brew, Tropical Orange Punch, Calm Down Cooler, and Creamy Coconut Chai. 


          how to make teas taste good for kids


          At What Age Can A Baby Drink Tea?

          We often get asked, "are teas safe for toddlers?", "can a 9 year old drink tea?", "can 10 year olds drink tea?", and so on. Here are our general recommendations for how much tea to give your child based on their age:

          • Once a child is over 1 year old, small amounts of herbal tea may be introduced under the supervision of a pediatrician.
          • For kids aged 4-6, we recommend giving children 1/4 cup of tea at a time. For children 6-12, 1/2 cup of tea at a time is recommended. Remember, your children are smaller than you and require less than you would.
          • It's important to talk to a healthcare professional before giving any new foods or beverages to a child to ensure their safety, especially if your child is on medication or under care for a medical condition.


          I hope this blog was helpful, and I hope that your child learns to love the teas! Let me know how you liked this blog in the comments, and let me know any questions you may have also, down below. If you enjoyed this blog, you might also like 4 Super Easy Recipes That The Whole Family Will Love.

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