Herbs And Your Chakras, Part 3 - Loose Leaf Tea Market

Herbs And Your Chakras, Part 3

This article is the third of a seven-part series and focuses on Chakra 3. Click here to read about Chakra 1 and here to read about Chakra 2.

 Chakra 3

The third chakra is often referred to as the solar plexus chakra. In the Sanskrit language, it is called Manipura. This chakra is located between the navel and the solar plexus. It is associated with the stomach and all digestive organs, and also with the adrenals. The element of the third chakra is fire, and the color is bright yellow.

The qualities associated with the second chakra are:

  • Courage
  • Self-esteem and self-worth
  • Drive, ambition
  • Willpower
  • Identity
  • Purpose and mission
  • Ego, humility

When the third chakra is open and in balance, a person will feel confident, purposeful, and energized. They know the difference between self-respect and ego and are able to maintain healthy boundaries. 



When the third chakra is lacking energy, the person might feel helpless, lost, without any willpower or sense of belonging. They may have lost their belief in themselves and in their dreams, experiencing life as a drudgery rather than soul-filled and useful.

The opposite imbalance when there is too much energy stuck in that chakra can show up as an overblown ego, arrogance, and ambition that is not tempered by wisdom.

Plants to the rescue.

Herbs can heal both body and soul, and when it comes to imbalances in the person’s chakras, herbs can get things moving again.

Here are the most effective herbs and teas for the third chakra.

  • Ginger is warm and spicy, and will light the fire in the solar plexus. It is perfect for the person who lacks courage, or who leans on others for validation. Ginger encourages wisdom.
  • Lemongrass is excellent for energizing and brightening the energy and mood. It stimulates digestion, and is grounding, as it contains lots of minerals. Use lemongrass to balance the energy of the solar plexus chakra
  • Gentian is a bitter root that stimulates all of the digestive organs. The flavor is intensely bitter, which, although unpleasant, is necessary for anyone who is willing to grow past the limitations of their ego. It is humbling and healing.
  • Black tea is both energizing and astringent. If your self-esteem needs a little help, it can provide a nice ego boost, without becoming overinflated.

The best tea blends for the third chakra are Aromatic Digestive, to settle bloating and discomfort, Lucky Morning Spice, for energy and brightness, and Happy Place, to lift the spirit.



Third chakra tea meditation

Brew a cup of any of the teas listed above. For this meditation, a hot tea is preferable to cold tea. Sip slowly and savor the flavor and aroma. Close your eyes and feel the warmth of the tea spread through your solar plexus. Breathe slowly a few times. Imagine that there is a tiny yellow point of light in your navel. Slowly inhale, and picture the yellow light growing like the sun, becoming a bright circle that grows larger as your lungs fill with air. Slowly exhale, and visualize the glowing sun getting smaller, until it is a pinpoint of light again at your navel. Do this a few times, picturing the yellow sun becoming more clear and strong with every breath. Continue as long as you like, and finish when you feel like your chakra has been cleansed and energized. Wiggle your toes, stretch your limbs, and record your experiences in your journal.


Try aromatherapy

Pure essential oils work directly with the emotions, and can have an instant and profound effect on the way you feel. The best essential oils for the third chakra are lemon, orange, lemongrass, and cinnamon. Take a small glass spray bottle and fill it with purified water and a few drops of any of these essential oils. Mist a little around your head and shoulders whenever you need a self-esteem boost, as all of the ones listed can relieve negative feelings rather quickly.


Do you work with your chakras? Tell us about it below!




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