September is a month of change. The vibe is about back to school and the changing of the seasons. If you live in Phoenix, it still feels like summer, but the slant of the afternoon light is definitely different. No matter where you live, September is a great month to pick up a few healthy habits to help you sail into the winter with a strong and healthy immune system.
One of the best ways to do this is to keep stress at bay, since it’s well known that chronic stress wreaks havoc with your immune system. The daily habit of drinking a cup of tea is a ritual that can lead to other healthy habits, such as journaling, meditation, or quiet time, not to mention an extra boost of extra antioxidants. The more you’re able to stay calm during times of stress, the healthier and more energetic you will feel in the long run.
This month we’re going to send you some recipes to help you feel more energized, feed your brain, support your liver, and pump up your immune system.
September is a great month to get out and meet new people. We recently joined a pretty awesome organization called Local First, so that we can meet people from other local businesses that are making things happen here in Arizona. Local First is the largest organization in the country that’s made up of local small businesses. Supporting local is the best way to improve the economy in your own neighborhood. Click here to learn more about it: https://www.localfirstaz.com/
Speaking of meeting new people, we’d like to introduce the newest member of our team, Sulinya.
Sulinya is passionate about healthy living, and has taught natural health workshops around the world. We’re offering a fun and hands-on class on September 28th. It’s called DIY Spa Night, and you will learn how to make your own natural skin care using tea and other simple ingredients. You’ll learn something new and meet other cool like-minded people. Stay tuned for registration info.
Thanks for checking out our very first issue of our Sunday Morning Newsletter. Feel free to send us your feedback and story submissions to info@looseleafmarket.com Happy September!
In good health,
1 comment
Thank you, happy September!