Nick's Good Bye - Loose Leaf Tea Market

Nick's Good Bye



*Photo Credit: Joshua Sortino


Dear Loose Leaf Customers & Friends,

After 7 years of working with Kita, I am going to move down a new path into the world of cyber-security.

Working with Kita has been fun, educational, incredibly rewarding, and one of the most interesting times of my life. She is by far one of the most dedicated, hard working and passionate people I have ever met. Her desire to help you and anyone she meets create new healthy habits and improve their lives through tea and herbs is deep and brings her great joy. Her integrity and commitment to quality and sustainability are unquestionable and I have the deepest, greatest respect and admiration for her.

The team around Kita who you see in the stores: Andrew, Sulinya, Sasha, and Cary, are also some of the most dedicated, intelligent and hard working individuals I have had the good fortune to work with.

Over the last several years I’ve also had the opportunity to get to know many of you and you’ve trusted my recommendations. The most interesting and fun parts of my days have always been the anticipation of what the next person was going to be like, seeing customers I already knew, and learning about who you are. That’s why I sometimes asked you so many questions. ;-)

If you ever have questions about anything I’ve sold you, my e-mail address will still be live, and I will keep my eye on it.

Loose Leaf Tea Market always has been, and will continue to be, a unique and special place. If you’ve ever walked in and felt at peace and safe, you are not alone. We all feel that way.

Kita’s decision, along with Sulinya’s hard work and support, to offer classes again is about more than the classes themselves. It’s about fostering community in a world that is becoming increasingly disconnected by social media and online shopping. I highly recommend you join that community.

That being said, you still may see the occasional guest blog post from me, see me at a class or find me shopping in the store. So now that I’m a customer just like you, I’ll be relying on YOU to tell ME what the new great products are!

Warm Regards,


Denise Varnell
Denise Varnell

Aww Nick i’m sorry to see you go however, wishing you all the very best in your next phase. Thank you for all your help at the store.

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