Does Drinking Tea Improve Brain Health? Your Guide To The Best Tea (And Food) For Optimal Brain Function - Loose Leaf Tea Market

Does Drinking Tea Improve Brain Health? Your Guide To The Best Tea (And Food) For Optimal Brain Function

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What tea is good for the brain? Now that it's back-to-school season, we hear that question all the time. Whether you're trying to shake off brain fog or boost your study sessions, certain specific teas can be the answer. In this blog, we'll explore the best teas for focus, memory, and brain function. Plus, we'll highlight foods that are good for your brain and memory, and key lifestyle products that boost your brain health naturally. 

Let's dive in!


A cup of tea on a cloth with a wooden spoon and other spices, with text that reads Your Guide To The Best Tea and Foods For Your Brain.

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The Best Teas For Brain Function

A canister of An Elephant Never Forgets tea next to a white tea cup.

An Elephant Never Forgets - The Best Tea For Brain Function

Say hello to An Elephant Never Forgets, our most popular tea blend for brain health, memory, and mental focus. This organic loose leaf tea blend is made from caffeine free botanicals like Ginkgo biloba, which improves circulation to the brain, and Gotu kola, an herb that is believed to stimulate healthy new brain cells. All of the herbs in this tea contain specific functions for supporting the health of the brain, and for promoting improved focus and concentration. The tea is energizing without caffeine, and has a refreshing herbal flavor. Start sipping your way to feeling more alert and focused!


A cup of tea and a canister of I Heart Pomegranates tea on a plate.

I Heart Pomegranates - Antioxidant Anti-Aging Powerhouse Tea

This deliciously fruity tea blend is completely caffeine-free, and is made with yummy organic fruits and herbs that support your brain and heart, while also fighting inflammation naturally. The star of I Heart Pomegranates is pomegranates, which are full of anti-aging antioxidants, and have been shown to protect brain cells. The other fruits and herbs in this tea support healthy blood pressure, reduce feelings of stress, and improve circulation, which is critical for a healthy brain. The rich berry flavor of I Heart Pomegranates is absolutely delicious, and is enjoyable both hot and served over ice.


A cup of Pumpkin Spice Chai latte next to a canister of Pumpkin Spice Chai tea.

Pumpkin Spice Chai - A Fall Favorite With Extra Brain-Boosting Benefits

The key brain-boosting botanicals in Pumpkin Spice Chai are cinnamon, persimmons, and puerh. Certain compounds found in cinnamon may be helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Cinnamon also promotes circulation and improves digestion. Persimmons are rich in beta carotene and other antioxidants that may have a protective role against cognitive decline. Puerh tea is made from fermented tea leaves, that have a beneficial effect on gut health, which is directly linked to the health of the brain. These herbs, along with all the other ingredients, make Pumpkin Spice Chai a yummy, brain-boosting addition to your fall routine. 


A cup of White Peony tea next to the spout of a white teapot.

White Peony - Tea For Focus And Concentration

White Peony, also called Bai Mu Dan, is a white tea and comes from the same plant as green tea, black tea, oolong, and puerh. All of the teas that are produces from the Camellia sinensis plant have been rigorously studied, and all have been shown to have remarkable benefits for brain health. One study showed that people who drink White Peony tea regularly have a 35% reduction of developing Alzheimer’s. The same study also indicated a 15% reduced risk for developing Parkinson’s. White Peony tea contains about the same levels of caffeine as other black and green teas, but the flavor is lighter and more fresh-tasting, due to the minimal processing of white tea leaves. 


Foods That Are Good For Your Brain And Memory 

  • Apples are a crisp and juicy fruit that are at their best in the fall months. They can be used in desserts, salads, or eaten as a snack. Apples contain pectin, an insoluble fiber that supports gut health, and gut health is directly linked to brain health.
  • Black Grapes are a sweet and juicy fruit that are in season in the fall months. They can be used in desserts, salads, or eaten as a snack. The dark color of the skin contains resveratrol, which improves circulation to the brain. 
  • Butternut squash is in season, and is rich in beta carotene, which has been shown in numerous studies to slow cognitive decline. 
  • Cayenne and other chili peppers are great for promoting brain health; they help support circulation to the brain and are high in antioxidants.
  • Walnuts contain DHA, a type of Omega 3 fatty acid that has been shown to promote brain health during all stages of life. They even look like a brain!
  • Pomegranates are considered to be a superfood for your brain. Eat them on their own, or sprinkled on salads and savory dishes. 
  • Cacao nibs are loaded with unique antioxidants that make them an incredible brain superfood. Sprinkle them on your yogurt, or add to your morning smoothie. 
  • If you eat fish, wild salmon and other fish like sardines that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to not only support cognitive function but to also support the structure and volume of the brain. It is literally brain food. 


Apples and nuts and a plum on a tea towel.


Best Brain-Boosting Lifestyle Products

  • Get these noise-canceling headphones to help you focus during work or study sessions
  • Rosemary essential oil has long been associated with memory and focus. Use a drop of rosemary oil in a palmful of olive oil and massage into neck. You can also place a few drops on cotton ball and inhale throughout the day. 
  • This collection of brain games and puzzles can help you stay mentally sharp.
  • Cardio exercise is so important to maintain brain health as we age. This indoor exercise bike can help you achieve your daily cardio goals in the comfort of your own home. 
  • Weight training is not only great for brain health, it also helps with bone density. Get your daily reps in with this set of dumbbells
  • Meditation is a superfood for your brain. Get this ergonomic meditation seat to promote good posture and alertness during meditation. 
  • Need a little help getting started with meditation? This meditation card deck will help you begin a daily meditation practice that will work for your unique lifestyle.


Boost Your Brain Health With The Delicious Teas In Our September Tea Talk Box

Want to experience these amazing brain-boosting teas? This month’s Tea Talk Box has all four of our best teas for brain health in 3-cup sample size pouches, so you can experience them all before committing to a full size. And all month long on Instagram, we will show you how to turn these teas into delicious mocktails and lattes! 

 Four tea pouches with a bowl of berries and a cup of brewed tea.

Get the September Tea Talk Box here

If you enjoyed reading this, you will love these 5 brain-boosting recipes featuring our most popular tea for brain and memory, An Elephant Never Forgets!


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