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During the winter, we tend to indulge in heavy, comforting foods that weigh us down and make us sluggish. However, with the flowers starting to bloom and the sun starting to shine again, it's the perfect time to focus on gently purifying our bodies. Just as bears seek out cleansing plants after hibernation, we can also benefit from some internal spring cleaning. So open your windows to let in the fresh air, and refresh your body with detoxifying foods and herbal tea!

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The Best Time To Detox, According To Chinese Medicine
As winter fades and spring emerges, it's time to shake off the stagnation of the past few months. According to Chinese medicine, the best time to detoxify the body is during the spring season. The liver is considered the primary organ responsible for detoxification in Chinese medicine, and it is believed to be particularly active during the spring.
In Chinese medicine theory, the liver energy moves upward and outward during the spring, which is associated with growth, renewal, and regeneration. This is why spring is considered the best time to detoxify the body and support the liver in its natural cleansing process. By incorporating these practices into our lives, we can embrace the vitality of spring and start the season off on a refreshed note.
What Teas Support Natural and Healthy Detox?
Daily Detox
While most detox teas are glorified laxatives, Daily Detox supports your body to do what it already does naturally: detoxify itself. It's able to help this process by supporting your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system, which are the body's systems for removing toxins. It contains herbs like Dandelion Leaf and Milk Thistle, that support your liver, and Cleavers and Calendula for lymphatic support.

Support your liver and kidney with Daily Detox.
Sleek & Slender
Sleek & Slender tea has been a Loose Leaf fan favorite since 2006. Made with metabolism-boosting white tea, Sleek & Slender contains organic herbs like gymnema to help you get rid of sugar cravings, dandelion root to support your liver, cinnamon to help stabilize blood sugar, and fennel seeds to curb hunger pangs. This tea is basically a "check all boxes" when it comes to natural detox.

Detox your body by boosting your metabolism naturally.
Bye Bye Bloat
Unbuttoning the top button of your pants after eating? We've all been there. Whether you just had too big of a meal, or you're dealing with persistent stomach issues like bloating and gas, this tea helps to provide instant relief. It contains stomach soothing herbs like peppermint and chamomile, and gas relieving herbs like ginger, fennel and cardamom. If you're dealing with a little bit of nausea too, these herbs will become your best friends.

Liver Cleanse Tea
If you're feeling stopped up and feel like your digestive system needs a cleanse, this is a fantastic tea for you. Although coffee might help in the moment, it'll likely result in a nagging coffee dependency every morning, with constipation that comes in the evenings. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish"...you know the rest. Botanicals like chicory root and dandelion root teach your body to produce healthy bowel movements. Years of not eating enough fiber, not drinking enough water and consuming processed foods will leave your body feeling stuck. If you start using Liver Cleanse Tea regularly, you will be teaching your digestive system to cleanse itself again.

Your Success Shopping List For March
March is detox month, and we want to set you up for success! In addition to the teas, a cleansing lifestyle is imperative. Try adding these things to your grocery cart this month...your body will thank you!
Your Detox Grocery List
The liver and kidneys play crucial roles in filtering toxins and waste products from the body, and maintaining their health is important for overall well-being. Here are some foods that you should try to eat this spring to support your liver and kidneys:
- Leafy greens: Dandelion greens, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that can help protect the liver from damage and support kidney function.
- Celery: Is reputed to reduce acids that cause arthritis and gout. It's also high in antioxidants, which can help protect the liver and kidneys from oxidative stress and damage
- Parsley: Stimulates the kidneys, helping them work better, and reducing excess water retention
- Beets: Are stimulating and nourishing to the liver, and are also high in iron which is helpful if you suffer from anemia or heavy menstrual cycles.
- Garlic: Contains compounds that help activate liver enzymes responsible for flushing out toxins from the body. Garlic can help promote a healthy immune system and digestive system by killing harmful bacteria and promoting the growth of healthy bacteria.
- Jicama: Is high in fiber, and contains inulin, which supports gut health by feeding the good gut flora.
- Asparagus: A spring vegetable that is at its best in March. It can be grilled, roasted, or used in salads. Asparagus is considered to be a cleansing vegetable.
Natural Products To Support Detoxification
Here are some products that we to use for healthy detox. I hope they help you too!
- Stainless Steel Tumbler to make drinking tea all day easy :)
- Lightweight dumbbells to get your body moving at home.
- Beautiful ceramic essential oil diffuser to clear the air after winter. Try Lemon Essential Oil to refresh and brighten your mood, Eucalyptus for energy and Lavender to promote feelings of calm.
- Non-toxic vinegar-based home cleaning spray because inhaling chemicals can interrupt your healing process.
- Dry skin brush to stimulate your lymphatic system, remove dry skin and promote healthy, glowing skin.
- Natural powdered detergent because the clothes and sheets that touch your skin everyday should be toxin free. I love this particular brand and have been using it for a few years now. It's helped my skin clear of acne and chronic rashes and it's much cheaper than liquid detergent! Not to mention it's better for the environment!
- Bamboo wash cloths for gentle skin exfoliation and face cleansing. These can help a lot if you're suffering with acne or oil buildup.
If you enjoyed this blog, check out 5 Mistakes People Make When Doing A Cleanse and these awesome recipes: Detox Salad Recipe and Detox Pickle Recipe.